Principal Mutual fund have received the ratings by CRISIL, ICRA and Lipper. CRISIL has allotted CPR 1 ranking to the following 5 funds of Principal mutual fund house:
Principal Large Cap Fund (Large Cap-oriented equity scheme category). Principal Personal Tax Saver Fund (Equity Linked Savings Scheme category). Principal Tax Savings Fund (Equity Linked Savings Scheme category). Principal Monthly Income Plan - MIP Plus (Monthly Income Plan - Aggressive category). Principal Floating Rate Fund - Flexible Maturity Plan (Floating Rate schemes category).
CRISIL has allotted CPR 2 ranking to the following 5 funds of Principal mutual fund house:
Principal Monthly Income Plan - Growth (Monthly Income Plan - Conservative category). Principal Floating Rate Fund - Short Maturity Plan (Floating Rate schemes category). Principal Cash Management Fund - Liquid (Liquid Schemes - Retail category). Principal Cash Management Fund - Liquid - Institutional (Liquid Schemes - Super Institutional category).
Lipper rated 3 funds of Principal Mutual Fund amongst the World's 100 top performing Equity schemes - Principal Personal Tax Saver Fund (ranked 68), Principal Tax Savings Fund (ranked 77) and Principal Large Cap Fund (ranked 96).
At the ICRA Mutual Fund Awards 2008, Principal Tax Savings Fund (ICRA - Equity Tax Planning Category) won the ICRA Seven Star Award, the highest rating given by ICRA, and Principal Personal Tax Saver Fund (ICRA - Equity Tax Planning Category), Principal Monthly Income Plan (ICRA Marginal Equity Category), Principal Monthly Income Plan - MIP Plus (ICRA Marginal Equity Category), Principal Floating Rate - Flexible Maturity Plan (ICRA - Liquid Plus Category), Principal Floating Rate - Flexible Maturity Plan - Institutional (ICRA - Liquid Plus Category) won the Five Star Award for their 1 year performance. Principal Tax Savings Fund (ICRA - Equity Tax Planning Category) also won the 5 Star Award for its 3-years performance.
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